The sky is so moody and cloudy on29 June when u guys have left fact, it is drizzling now. Jus lik my down and feel lik wanna cry when listening to the sad songs..Our friendship is flourished just within this few months..unexpectedly..still remember all those moments when v laugh, play crazily,merayau-rayau,teasing each other,cracking cold jokes..etc..??haha..that’s the magic of friendship which tight each other forever n ever..
SieW LinG
our blogspot”s manager..start to know u during the eng camp in 3min..then after joining the children camp, we become so close..u r really friendly n helpful..u hv the strong leadership..its true..haha..i feel comfortable to b fren wit u ..i will owaz remember that u grabbed my hand lik a mama when crossing the road in ipoh..haha..n ur Filipina Cantonese is really very cute jus lik to wish u all the best in ur future undertakings although there is obstacles awaiting u ..i bliv that u can overcome it at last because there is always a rainbow after the storm..
UM medic student..frankly , I m really proud to be ur fren.although we did meet wit each other so frequently in library last tim we jus smile to each other.that”s all..then after the steamboat gathering , our friendship is blooming..especially during our teluk batik trip..i love it so muc..i really dun expect that u can be so crazy!!its so funny when u tried to act as a robot!!haha..still remember tat u sang the dachangjin song after the clock tower gathering?hah..hv lots of memories wit u ..we went 4 the terrible sawah padi trip!!we enjoyed so muc when talking abt the pangkor trip, backpacking in kl though it ends up wit nth at the last..but I m sure we did enjoy the discussion..cos we seems so high!!i knw that ur bright future is awaiting u cos u r owaz a smart student..u knw hw to handle things well.u will be success..just dun forget me..cos I will be ur patient 1 day..hehe..and pls dun imitate me yeah wey!!
SieW MuN
I still remember the first time seeing u ..its cos of yChe..she introduced u to me when v r waiting outside pbhp ..i was in f3 that time..NaH..dun tell me u hv forgotten!!haha..then we got the chance to knw each other more after the children camp..thanks a lot 4 ur steamboat”S souvenir—the slipper!!its really a brilliant idea 4 giving us makes our steamboat gathering more meaningful..i m look forward to another steamboat gathering!!and do keep in touch ya..hehe
Act I m impressed by u during the DYC06..know why..cos I love ur soft n gentle voice when u were reading the story during the camp.. happy leh?!and thanks 4 lending me ur baju kurung las time though I din wear it..haha..cos u r TOO TALL..the cloth cant fit me lar!!and I feel that u owaz lik to crack cold jokes LaMe -.-``if I m not mistaken , the name of lame-fm was suggested by u ..luckily ..if nt dunno when will our discussion be strike hard 4 ur future..u can do it…
The future teacher!!cool!!nex tim mus b my children”s private tutor!!and free of charge!!yeah!!haha..act I m shocked by u when u r trying to be fierce in front of all those children during the camp!!scary man!!haha..dunno y .i owaz feel that u r a kind n systematic person.haha.u can plan ur things very well and do it perfectly..u did it .UM educationist!!
Cracking my heads..what can I old fren..11 years classmate!u r owaz my good opponent!!haha..i enjoyed chatting wit u guys after the interact club”s informal meeting..haha..we all have grown up and its time to diverge to our different path of roads..i miss the time when v tuition together, study together in the library,hanging out wit breakfast gang!!it wont happen again!!still remember abt the “baju dalam” during MUET tuition!!u r so geli man!ham sap!..its bit unbelievable when thinking that we hv graduated from 2nd sch..knwing each other since year1..hv lots of feeling!really!!i guess u too!!anyway fight hard 4 ur future!!and do keep in touch owaz my old fren!!
Proud to be ur fren act cos u went to japan envy!!we start to be close since this year when involving in children camp!haha..then went 4 several trips together..its nice to flash back!!u hv ur own dreams n enjoy learning new things good luck in whatever u do..jus dun forget me k?haha..u r owaz my best partner when talking abt photo-snapping.haha..remember our promise ya!next station –kuantan!!
My mentor during DYC06..its so nice that we still manage to come out together, being so friend after 2 years..haha..guess that 1 m the only 1 that u r quite close from FREEDOM group right? That time u really look alike HARRY POTTER!!nw??i also dunno wat to say when seeing ur primary photo in msn..dunno hw 2 describe..its neither geli nor handsome!!haha…dun beat me!! keep in touch wit me after goin to kelantan leh, si doctor!!!haha..blek…dun call me si accountant pls!!hehe..i wanna be ur patient nex time too!!
Sheng HuO ZhU member..yeah!!another future doctor!!haha..again..bcos of children camp we know each other..u r a smart n nice person..nw bcum handsome jo wo after changing ur hairstyle!haha..dunno when can meet u again..u r goin so far..but dun worry we wil miss u hard there so that u can treat me nex time..we all are supporting u here..gambahteh!!
Still remember our first ever “project”?that was a simple drama during the camp!!haha…dun expect that we can stil act quite naturally..haha..quite a good job that time..and act u look very funny..i dunno y.i owaz feel that u are very funny lor ..especially when u were flying kites at speedy that time..running non stop yet the kite is stil on the floor!!so lame!!haha..but I m quite pui fuk u deep inside my heart geh..cos u are a smart m diligent person ..future actuary wo.dun play play ..haha..
U r lik a big bro to us!!especially during cycling..took gd care of us..haha..a good papa!!act I feel so glad to hv u as my fren!!we hv gone through so many,ipoh trip, cycling.steamboat gathering,teluk batik trip, sawah padi trip, playgroud,speedy,poly wata farewell gathering!!really thanks 4 ur advice n support whenever I need help..u r owaz lending me a helping hand..thanks so muc…gonna miss u here..haha..look forward to our gathering again in kl one day…Kim yeah WEY!!!haha..
Its nt easy to find a group of good frens lik u guys..i m really very matter wat happens, I hope that our friendship is tighten forever!!if there is any obstacle o pro in ur life, do share wit each other..cos v r from lame_fm!!once LaMe , 4ever LaMe!!
LameLUi YinSHia^^